When I was in the seventh grade someone thought it would be funny to spike my drink at a school outing. I had asked a friend of mine to watch my soda while I went to the bathroom. When I came back I didn’t think anything about grabbing my drink from the table where we had been sitting and finished my soda. We had been outside all day having “field day”; you guys remember how much fun that was when we were kids Lol.
Anyway it was near the end of the day and soon after drinking my soda we went back inside of our classroom to wait for dismissal. The last thing I remembered was putting my head down on my desk. The rest is a blur because I only have what I was told to rely on from here on out.
I woke up in the hospital not knowing what the hell happened. Apparently after a lengthy investigation I was told that my friend had put my soda down and went to talk to some other friends while I was gone. By the time I got back so was she so neither of us thought anything suspicious.
We found out later that some boys had emptied a baggie with a white powder into my drink. They thought it would be funny to see what happened. The Doctors said it was a combination of various over the counter analgesics but mixed together could have been fatal.
From that point on and more so now as an adult whenever I have anything to drink and I have to leave it for whatever reason I throw it away and buy a new one. This is also a lesson that I always told my daughter to adhere to but about a year ago a similar incident happened to my daughter. She was at a concert with some friends and asked them to keep an eye on her drink when she went to the restroom. She came back to the table and picked up her drink and said she took one sip and that was the last thing that she remembered.
I received a phone call telling me that she had had too much to drink and had to be carried out of the venue. Knowing that was totally out of character for my daughter I told her friends that I would meet them at Allison’s house. Once they arrived and I took one look at her I knew something was off and that she was not drunk but something else was going on. I asked a few questions and then insisted on taking her to the hospital. Once we got there and she was examined we were told that there were small traces of something in her system but it could not be pinpointed because with most date rape drugs they are designed to become untraceable after a couple of hours. As it turned out she was fine and had no memory of anything after she returned from the bathroom and we have no idea who would or could have spiked her drink.
Although the people we have in our inner circle are supposed to be friends you never know peoples true intentions and we also cannot control those people that we don’t know who may be in close proximity to us. Life lesson….