Your wedding day should be one of the happiest days of your life, but honestly the day after your official day should be the happiest because it is on that day that your lives together truly begin.
Some people plan huge, elaborate weddings only to forget about the marriage. If people put as much time and energy into planning their marriages as they do planning the perfect wedding I think the divorce rate would drop drastically. Marriage is not a game; it takes constant work and commitment. You have to devote just as much time into the marriage as you do in the planning of the wedding.
A wedding is just one day but a marriage is designed to last a lifetime (if you are lucky) and if you are willing to do the work. By doing the work I mean primarily never forgetting why you came together in the first place. All relationships have ups and downs but you have to focus on each other rather than just on you as an individual in order to have a successful marriage.
As with everything communication is the key to having a successful marriage but having the capacity to compromise is also essential. In marriage there are a lot of different components that must be considered. One key component is learning your mates “Love Language”. If you are not familiar with the Five Love Languages I encourage you to read the book and share it with your husband so that you can both discover what your love languages are.
Once you both discover what your true love languages are you will learn better what you each need from each other and hopefully that will make for a better marriage.
While your wedding day is an important day in your life it’s the day after your wedding that is truly the most important day of your life. Put as much time in your marriage as you do in the planning of your wedding and you will be a success.