I remember when my daughter started to develop her female parts she as did I when I was younger wanted to show them off. I thought that to get the attention of boys I had to show them a little something. I had breasts and I thought it was a good idea to show them off. LOL
When my daughter and her friends came with the same mindset I wanted to show them a different way to get attention. It’s not right but we as females are sometimes judged by the way we dress. Sometimes dressing too provocatively can give off the wrong impression and I did not want that stigma for my daughter and her friends.
Through self-discovery I learned that although men/boys are very visual creatures sometimes leaving something to the imagination draws more attention. It is the mystery of what is underneath that draws most of the attention. Imagine your joy and surprise when you unwrap a gift. The tricky part was how to get these teenaged girls to understand that idea.
So what I did was have some friends that had older sons that I knew the girls would want to notice them tell them what kind of girls they were attracted to and would date. Once the guys told them that it was a turn off to them when a girl showed everything because although they liked to look at them and would sometimes even touch them they deemed them as easy and would not want them as a steady girlfriend.
I also had to remember that as an adult I had an example to set for these young ladies so I would choose my clothing whenever they were around accordingly. We used to have a lot of parties at our house but whenever my child and her friends were there I would choose an outfit where I was covered but also sexy to my husband. I wanted to show them that although I may be covered from my chin to my ankles I looked sexier than a Victoria’s Secret model.
It is important that we as women teach our young daughters that dressing sexy is age appropriate and sometimes more is less. The old saying is true….. A man may date a certain kind of woman but he will probably not take that woman home to meet his mother.