Okay this is where I need to vent for a minute. I completely understand the natural progression of the hair industry and I acknowledge that very few women for whatever reason wear their own grown from their scalp hair. I have been know to wear a weave myself so I am in no way against hair weaves but I am against children with hair weaves down their backs. I know that everyone has a right to do whatever they please with their child’s hair and I love seeing little girls with braids but that is totally different from a grown woman sew in down your back hair weave! I saw a little girl who looked to be about 5 years old the other day with a full head sew in and the hair was so long and thick the poor baby could barely hold her head up. Again, I have no problem with adding a little extra hair to your child’s braids but come on let’s let them remain children for as long as we can.
My other pet peeve is Moms teaching their little girls how to twerk and do other suggestive bodily movements. When I see some of the instagram and Facebook videos being posted of these little girls doing these grown up movements I am appalled. The Moms are in the background egging the kids on and laughing while they record these babies gyrating. It may be a little cute at home but what happens when your kid goes to school and begins to twerk for the entire classroom? Not so cute anymore huh?
My final rant is about the new style of Prom dresses I’ve noticed over the past few years. I look back at what my friends and I wore to prom and what my daughter and her friends wore to prom versus the styles the girls are wearing today and I am shocked. They have splits up to their hello in the front and another one up to their goodbye in the back. Girls today are a lot more stacked than we or even my daughter was at that stage so where the splits leave off the cleavage begins. Some of these dresses are a lot more revealing than something that I as a 50 something year old woman would wear. I understand being proud of your body but come on let’s leave a little something to the imagination.
Moms I understand wanting to bring your daughters along into the new age but please let’s let our babies and our young ladies be age appropriate. Don’t age them too fast. Unwanted attention can come at any age and in the world we leave in today we need to keep a close eye on our children.