As a busy wife and Mom do you ever forget to put yourself on the list? By list I mean taking some time out for your self. We are always so busy doing for and taking care of others that our needs are left on the backburner. Everyone else in our lives and their needs are our priorities and we make ourselves feel guilty if we aren’t doing something for someone else. However, there is nothing wrong with taking some much needed and deserved time to take care of you.
Take a relaxing bath or curl up with a good book and a glass of your favorite wine. Take a spa day and indulge yourself and I guarantee that you will come back feeling relaxed and refreshed. I know for me whenever I found myself with a spare hour or so I felt like I was doing something wrong. I was supposed to be doing something, not sitting around twiddling my thumbs.
The key to making time for yourself is first to get over the feelings of guilt that you may have for not attending to someone other than yourself. You deserve to have some time to yourself so stop beating yourself up about it. Men take time for themselves all the time but we don’t necessarily see it because they don’t come home with a guilt complex. Men have no problem going to play golf or just hanging out with the boys shooting the breeze and trust and believe they are not feeling guilty about it.
Even when they come home from work, men have the ability to shut everything and everyone out and get into their own zone. The house can catch fire and the kids can be screaming but they still have the capacity to tune it all out and watch TV or play video games or whatever. We have to realize that there is nothing wrong with taking some time for yourself and putting you on the list.
Consider this …. If you aren’t feeling happy and complete or if you are stressed and overtired you will not be at your best to serve your loved ones. By taking some time to relax you are in essence recharging your own battery therefore making yourself more capable of handling everyday life and it’s challenges.