We all came from someplace. Whether you were adopted or grew up with your birth parents, everyone has a mother. When we speak of lessons our mothers taught us the first thing that comes to mind is the good stuff. Unfortunately not all lessons are good but I believe in taking a negative and turning it into a positive. Most daughters learn how to cook and clean and general stuff like that from their Moms but some lessons are harder to process.
In some families the lessons that are taught can be on the negative side. Oftentimes cycles of abuse or neglect are generational and are “passed” down from generation to generation. Let’s face it the Mother is the first teacher for a child, especially a daughter. She teaches her how to act like a lady, cook, clean, apply makeup, the list goes on. Mothers are also usually the disciplinarians in the family, especially when it comes to daughters so that is one more trait that is passed down. When a child becomes a parent herself she usually takes all of the lessons that she learned from her own Mother into her home and uses those same tools on her kids.
If you were lucky enough to have an upstanding Mom, cudo’s to you; everyone is not that lucky. If on the other hand you did not have a loving, nurturing Mother then I challenge you to take from those negative things that may have been done to you growing up and do the opposite when raising your own child. As I said previously not all lessons are positive but they can be if you choose to make them.
Any situation can be turned into a good one if you choose to look at it from that perspective. With all relationships, whether they be parent –child or anything else in my life always follow one basic rule of thumb:
Treat others the way that you want to be treated!