A few weeks ago I did a post where I talked about my negative body issues. I talked about how I feel about my “not so great” body parts and learning to love my body flaws and all. I am still working on my issues and in doing so I discovered another issue that I didn’t realize that I have/had.
I always thought that I was a strong woman and that I have pretty high self esteem but I am coming to realize that that is not always the case. Admittedly, I am a very shy person and I also suffer from trust issues but that is a story for another day. LOL
It wasn’t until recently when I was walking through Lenox Mall that I discovered something else about myself. It was a bright and sunny Friday afternoon and Allison and I were out having a little retail therapy. The mall was really crowded that day and there were people everywhere.
I made a conscience decision a long time ago to stop with my negative thoughts about other people’s bodies but occasionally those thoughts will still creep in. I am after all a work in progress.
On this day I saw a group of plus sized females walking around having a great afternoon of shopping and fun. They were dressed in leggings and cropped or bra type tops letting their beauty show shamelessly. The first thing that I thought was “wow, that’s a look” and I thought to myself why aren’t they embarrassed to let what I deemed as “negative” body parts be seen by everyone?
It suddenly dawned on me that instead of thinking (sadly just as society has shaped us to) that these women were less attractive because of their size I found myself wondering how much pride and high self esteem it took for them to debunk society and dress in that manner and be completely comfortable doing so. It also occurred to me that my self-esteem must not be as high as I think it is because I would not come out of the house dressed as they were. I am saying all of this to say that these beautiful women were strong and confident in who they are and their appearance so we, especially us women, should applaud them instead looking down upon them.
Love yourself no matter what your size and never ever let anyone make you feel less than your beautiful, sexy self!