Unlike a lot of mothers, I was excited when the day came for my daughter to leave for college! I looked at it as the chance for me to become a woman again. I know this sounds crazy since I was always a woman but I mean become a woman in the sense that I could get back to my “Stella” and get my groove back.
Once you become a parent everything revolves around your children. You try to balance things and make time for yourself and most importantly your mate but somehow that usually gets put on the back burner.
Let’s face it we have different personas that we use around our kids because we don’t want to set a bad example or let them see us in a less than stellar light.
I would have a glass or two of wine around my daughter but I would never dream of drinking to excess in front of her. There are also clothes that I would wear for my husband that I may not have deemed appropriate to wear in front of my child. I always tried to lead by example so drinking too much and exhibiting certain behaviors were out of the question.
Once the kids are out of the house it’s your chance to become your inner vixen again and your mate will surely appreciate it. Having an empty nest gives you a chance to do and be all of those things that you had to put on the back burner. As Mom’s we tend to put everything else before our own needs so now is your time to put yourself back on that long forgotten list.
Freak your mate, go on that girls trip you’ve been putting off, no more cooking dinner every night. That old saying “when the cats away the mouse will play” is true. That saying usually refers to a person in authority or a spouse but my “mouse” was my daughter and boy did I enjoy playing with my husband once she was out of the house!
How will you handle when your last child leaves the house?