As a busy wife and Mom do you ever forget to put yourself on the list? By list I mean taking some time out for your self. We are always so busy doing for and taking care of others that our needs are left on the backburner. Everyone else in our lives and their needs are our priorities and we make … [Read more...]
Everyone Who Starts With You Will Not Finish With You
Most people start out with lots of friends when they are younger. It seems that when we are younger the more friends we have the more important we feel. It isn’t until we are usually much older that we realize that it is better to have a few or more importantly one or two really good friends than an … [Read more...]
It’s Not Your Relationship
We all want the best for our kids, especially when it comes to choosing a mate. We want to absorb any heartache that they may endure but as hard as it is we have to face the fact that it is not our relationship and not our life to live. I remember vividly the very first time my child … [Read more...]
All Kids Are Not College Material
We all love our kids and want the best for them. We want them to have the best lives possible and have careers that they love. When they are born we all have visions of them attending college and in some cases even following in our footsteps. Let me say that I am all for higher education but let’s … [Read more...]
Calling All Uncles
When is the appropriate time to introduce your new love interest to your kids? Good question you may ask. I personally have not been in this situation since my children are all grown adults with families of their own but now that I am “single” it is still something that I will take into … [Read more...]
We all came from someplace. Whether you were adopted or grew up with your birth parents, everyone has a mother. When we speak of lessons our mothers taught us the first thing that comes to mind is the good stuff. Unfortunately not all lessons are good but I believe in taking a negative and turning … [Read more...]