Now that spring break is over it is time to turn our sites on summer vacation. As you make your travel plans please don’t forget your parenting skills. I have been on more flights than I can count and for some reason I usually get seated in the kid zone.
Now don’t get me wrong I like kids (most of the time) but when I am going to and especially coming home from vacation the last thing I want or need is to be kicked repeatedly in the back by your bratty kid or hear your kid scream the entire flight. I understand that kids are kids and they get restless on flights but come on parents can I catch a break please?
When Allison was little she went everywhere with us; she had more frequent flyer miles than a lot of adults. On flights I would always make sure that she was entertained so that she would not disturb the other passengers.
When she was an infant I would nurse her or give her a bottle at take off and landing so that her little ears would not hurt. When she was older I would carry a portable DVD player and bring along her favorite movies, I would bring along coloring books and story books to read, we had video games, you name it I would bring it along so that she would not be bored. I would make sure that she was not kicking the seat in front of her or talking too loud.
I understand that travel is hectic and that babies cry but for the life of me I can’t understand why parents don’t give their baby a bottle or nurse them or whatever during take off and landing. If you make sure that you are chewing gum at takeoff and landing so that your ears will not pop then don’t you think your baby needs the same option?
Again, I understand that kids are kids but what I am saying is that as an adult please be considerate of those around you and try as best you can to not let your kids ruin the flight for everyone on board.